Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Technetium Essay Example For Students
Technetium Essay TechnetiumNalin BalanNUCL 200Paper due 02/07/97Atomic Number: 43Atomic Symbol: TcAtomic Weight: (97)Electron Configuration: -18-13-2History, Properties and Uses:(Gr. technetos, artificial) Element 43 was predicted on the basis of theperiodi c table, and was erroneously reported as having been discovered in 1925,at which time it was named masurium. The element was actually discovered byPerrier and Segre in Italy in 1937. It was found in a sample of molybdenum,which was bombarded by deut erons in the Berkeley cyclotron, and which E. Lawrence sent to these investigators. Technetium was the first element to be produced artificially. Since itsdiscovery, searches for the element in terrestrial material have been madewithout s uccess. If it does exist, the concentration must be very small. We will write a custom essay on Technetium specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Technetium has been found in the spectrum of S-, M-, and N-type stars, and itsresence in stellar matter is leading to new theories of the production of heavyelements in the stars. Nineteen isotopes of technetium, with atomic massesranging from 90 to 108, are known. 97Tc has a half-life of 2.6 x 10^6 years. 98Tc has a half-life of 4.2 x 10^6 years. The isomeric isotope 95mTc, with ahalf-life of 61 days, is useful for tracer work, as it produces energeticgamma rays. Technetium metal has been produced in kilogram quantities. The metalwas first prepared by passing hydrogen gas at 1100C over Tc2S7. It is nowconveniently prepared by the reduction of ammonium pertechnetate with hydrogen. Techne tium is a silvery-gray metal that tarnishes slowly in moist air. Until1960, techne tium was available only in small amounts and the price was as highas $2800/g. It is now commercially available to holders of O.R.N.L. permits at aprice of $60/g. The chemistry of technetium is said to be similar to that ofrhenium. Technetium dissolves in nitric acid, aqua regia, and conc. sulfuricacid, but is not soluble in hydrochloric acid of any strength. The element is aremarkable corrosion inhibitor for steel. It is reported aerated distilled water at temperatures up to 250C. Thiscorrrosion protection is limited to closed systems, since technetium isradioative and must be confined. 98Tc has a specific activity of 6.2 x 10^8 Bq/g. Activity of this level must not be allowed to spread. 99Tc is a contaminationhazard and should be handled in a glove box. The metal is an excellentsuperconductor at 11K and below. Source:CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 1913-1995. David R. Lide, Editorin Chief. Author: C.R. Hammond
Saturday, November 23, 2019
PROGRAM KERJA Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers
PROGRAM KERJA Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers PROGRAM KERJA PROGRAM SEKOLAH SEHAT, AMAN, RAMAH ANAK, DAN MENYENANGKAN Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) SMP NEGERI 6 PEMULUTAN DINAS PENDIDIKAN KABUPATEN OGAN ILIR TAHUN 2015 - 2016 PROGRAM KERJA LEMBAR PENGESAHAN PROGRAM SEKOLAH SEHAT, AMAN, RAMAH ANAK, DAN MENYENANGKAN SMP NEGERI 6 PEMULUTAN TAHUN 2015 - 2016 Disusun oleh: Ketua Komite Sekolah Kepala SMP N 6 Pemulutan Penanggungjawab Program Mulkan, S.Pd. Drs. Jop Ginting NIP. NIP. 196610201998021001 Mengesahkan a.n. Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kab. Ogan Ilir u.b. Kabid SMP/SMA/SMK Kasi Kurikulum Marsudi, S.Pd., M.M. Pembina NIP. 196702031991031005 RENCANA KEGIATAN PENGEMBANGAN SEKOLAH SEHAT, AMAN, RAMAH ANAK, DAN MENYENANGKAN A. LATAR BELAKANG Sekolah adalah rumah kedua bagi anak. Di tempat inilah orang tua mempercayakan anak-anaknya untuk di didik menjadi orang-orang yang sukses dan bermanfaat bagi agama, orang tua, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Sejuta impian orang tua untuk masa depan anak-anaknya diserahkan kepada sekolah. Bagaimanapun, sekolah merupakan tempat terbaik selain di rumah untuk proses perkembangan anak. Tidak heran jika gerakan membangun sekolah pada hakikatnya adalah upaya membangun generasi emas, unggul secara akademis maupun non akademis. Pendidikan sebagai upaya dalam membentuk manusia Indonesia seutuhnya adalah mutlak keberadaannya. Suatu bangsa tidak akan pernah bisa melepaskan atau mengabaikan masalah pendidikan. Artinya Pendidikan sangat penting dalam membawa suatu bangsa menuju kejayaan, keberadaban dan kemuliaan. Sebagai wujud tanggung jawab pendidik terhadap generasi yang akan datang, sepantasnyalah perlu memberikan teladan serta pendidikan yang baik dan bertanggung jawab. Saat ini dunia seakan khawatir dengan kondisi alam yang sangat mempengaruhi kelangsungan hidup makhluk yang ada di muka bumi. Dunia telah berubah dengan adanya kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang membawa dampak terhadap lingkungan hidup. Eksploitasi sumber daya alam secara besar-besaran telah membawa dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan hidup. Banjir, tanah longsor, kekeringan, pemanasan global, dan masih banyak lagi peristiwa-peristiwa alam sebagai akibat dari kecerobohan manusia dalam berperilaku yang tidak peduli lingkungan. Atas dasar itulah pemerintah RI terus berupaya mengembalikan fungsi sekolah pada khitahnya, yakni sebagai tempat yang menyenangkan, sehat, aman, dan ramah bagi siapa saja. Sekolah harus terus didorong menjadi tempat mengasah, mengasih, dan mengasuh peserta didik. Sekolah pula harus didorong untuk terus memperbaiki diri dalam upaya memaksimalkan fungsinya sebagai ruang belajar dan wahana interaksi berbagai manusia dengan budaya dan agama yang berbeda, sehingga sekolah benar-benar menjadi tempat yang mampu menampung semua elemen tanpa memandang status agama, ras, budaya, status sosial, status ekonomi, dan jenis kecerdasan ataupun kemampuan yang dimiliki peserta didik. Jika demikian, maka sekolah akan menjadi rumah yang menyenangkan; guru-guru akan menjadi orang tua yang baik yang selalu dirindukan kehadirannya; sedangkan peserta didik menjadi anak yang seallu merindukan sekolah dan kehadiran para guru dan warga sekolah lainnya. Upaya untuk mengajak dan mengembaikan fungsi sekolah secara hakiki ini dapat disebut sebagai gerakan pencerahan, selain dimulai dari dunia pendidikan juga memiliki visi besar membangun peradaban bangsa Indonesia. Dengan begitu upaya mengembalikan hakiki sekolah dapat dimulai dengan Gerakan Sekolah Sehat, Aman, Ramah Anak, dan Menyenangkan. Menyadari hal tersebut, gerakan ini perlu dilaksanakan di sekolah-sekolah dengan mengandalkan partisipasi warga sekolah. Agar gerakan ini dapat terlaksana secara terkoordinasi, dan dapat mencapai sasaran dan tujuan yang diharapkan, maka perlu disusun sebuah program kerja sebagai acuan kerja warga sekolah khususnya, dan pihak-pihak lain yang terkait khususnya pemangku kepentingan yang peduli terhadap kemajuan sekolah. B. DASAR HUKUM Landasan hukum kegiatan ini adalah: Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 32 Tahun 2013 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 48 Tahun 2008 tentang Pendanaan Pendidikan. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 17 Tahun 2010 tentang Pengelolaan dan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 17 Tahun 2010 tentang Pengelolaan dan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 39 Tahun 2008, tentang Pembinaan Kesiswaan. C. TUJUAN / MANFAAT Maksud kegiatan ini adalah dalam rangka menyebarluaskan pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan langkah-langkah dalam menyelenggarakan gerakan sekolah yang sehat, aman, ramah anak, dan menyenangkan. Secara khusus tujuan dari gerakan ini adalah sebagai berikut: Membantu warga sekolah dan warga sekitar sekolah dalam memahami berbagai informasi tentang gerakan sekolah sehat, aman, ramah anak, dan menyenangkan. Membantu warga sekolah dan warga sekitar sekolah dalam memahami cara menyusun dan melaksanakan rencana kegiatan Gerakan tersebut di sekolah masing-masing. Membantu warga sekolah dan warga sekitar sekolah dalam memahami dan menguasai cara melaksanakan evaluasi dan pelaporan pelaksanaan kegiatan. Membantu warga sekolah untuk memahami tentang hal-hal yang harus dipenuhi, dijamin dan perlindungan yang harus diberikan kepada siswa. Mengetahui
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 23
Compare and contrast - Essay Example This has prompted students to design ways of ââ¬Å"surviving the cutâ⬠through developing unique architectural designs and concepts that will sell in the market. This starts with the student developing a well outlined thesis topic then developing that thesis to good and sellable project. The paper, therefore, focuses on comparing and contrasting two theses for architectural designs. The major similarities that the two theses designs exhibit are the separation of concerns and locality. The designs separate independent parts of the system and avoid redundant representation of the information. That is, a critical look of the two designs; you can easily tell what they are presenting if you have the architectural skills and knowledge. Both the models provide ways to decompose the system into one or more parts that localize decisions that are vital to the art of model development. In addition, these two models share the same concept in that they are all object-oriented designs. This is because they focus on real world entities as opposed to focusing on internal relation or operation sequencing. The locality of these two designs hides the decision most likely to be changed. Finally, interpretation also exhibits the similarities between the two models. That is, the models cannot be directly interpreted but rather indirectly interpreted. 2. Communicating process. Communication is a vital role that models play in conveying the message carried out by the resultant system. Therefore, it is easier to interpret the message of a simple model as compared to a complex model. Communication process characterizes the difference in the two models. Thesis 7A exhibit implicit invocation. This is because it carries a collection of components that are part of operation that forms the part of the ultimate system. It is worth noting that the components of the thesis 7A
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Public Relation Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Public Relation Writing - Assignment Example ââ¬ËFake newsââ¬â¢ items are deliberate hoax stories intended for public relations and may not necessarily be true or entirely true; they are meant to sway public opinions concerning certain individuals, businesses, products or firms, among others. For instance, an example of a news item that could pass for a fake news item is from the Washington post as reported on sixth of June 2013 concerning how Wells Fargo settled complaint on foreclosed homes (Douglas). This news article is clearly a ââ¬Ëfakeââ¬â¢ news article passed on through the newspaper as a PR stunt, to market the corporate to the public; the anticipated positive feedback from such a news item is good for business at the company. This news item strikes as fake news because it is only reporting the positive deeds by Wells Fargo in terms of settling the allegations of foreclosed homes, while vindicating the company from any blame. Q.2 Newspapers often localize some of their news items to particular audiences in particular places such as cities and towns; the Washington post as published on sixth of June 2013 has various news items that have been localized to certain audiences. For instance, the Philadelphia story about the six people that were killed when a building that was being demolished collapsed on Wednesday is an example of a national story (Associated Press). This particular news item is a national story that has been localized for people of Philadelphia because it directly concerns their state, and not any other in America. The news item begins with a headline that mentions the state of Philadelphia, then presenting the news; this tagging of news indicates that the news concerns Philadelphia in particular. The news mentions the families of the six victims that perished in the building that collapsed and efforts made to reach them in consolation for the loss of their loved ones. Q.3 The Washington post as published on sixth of June 2013 reports of the use of social media by the Nat ional Security Agency to collect secret information from around the world. The National Security Agency gathers information from social sites and service providers such as Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, PalTalk, Skype, YouTube and Apple, among others (Gellman). The use of social media is an effective way of gathering information that is vital for maintaining national security, and according to the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, the information collected is the most valuable and important foreign intelligence. Q.4 Hard news stories in newspapers are mostly about topics such as politics, business and international news; however, some heavily reported news stories about what can be considered soft subject matter such as entertainment can be considered hard news. In this regard, the seriousness of the story reported in newspapers may determine whether it can be considered hard or soft news; from the Washington post as published on sixth of June 2013, there are var ious hard news stories. For instance, what can be considered as a hard news story is the story about Romney mixing business and politics in his tour to the Park City during the Uttah conference (Horowitz). The news story provides details of Romneyââ¬â¢s interactions with John Schoenfeld who spent time assessing investments of Solamere Capital, a company co-founded by Romneyââ¬â¢
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Frank Norrisââ¬â¢ work ââ¬ÅVandover and the Bruteââ¬Â Essay Example for Free
Frank Norrisââ¬â¢ work ââ¬Å"Vandover and the Bruteâ⬠Essay The development of sexuality in Frank Norrisââ¬â¢ work ââ¬Å"Vandover and the Bruteâ⬠is an interesting reflection of the Puritanical views that Americans have towards sexuality, promiscuity and the consequences thereof. The importance of this book is that it openly examined this value system in 1914, a time when Vandoverââ¬â¢s behavior, even without the lycanthropy, was considered brutish and improper. Yet the American environment was in the midst of the first ââ¬Å"sexualâ⬠revolution as many young women of the 1920s would don clothing that revealed their flesh and boyish haircuts for the ââ¬Å"Roaring Twentiesâ⬠. Again in the 1960s, the next major era of womenââ¬â¢s rights movements, sexuality would be tied to freedom and women would equate burning their bras and free love with freedom and independence. This book then is a look at how a young man might acquire the values of the community around him without ever being taught directly that sex is dirty and that women are somehow degraded when they participate in it. The interesting thing about Norrisââ¬â¢ work, which was published after his death, is that Vandover managed to acquire these misguided notions of sexuality on his own. In the first chapter, the author points out that during his adolescent years Vandoverââ¬â¢s only female contact was with the housekeeper with whom he was constantly at odds. In addition, because his father would not discuss sexuality with him, he was forced to turn to an Encyclopedia Britannica to answers his questions about women and sex. He was subjected to the crude jokes and unconscious sexual immaturity of boys going through puberty, but without a mother, governess or other strong feminine influence to teach him right from wrong. Indeed, if one assumes that the author was in fact trying to make a statement about society rather than just tell a story about a maladjusted young man in the late 19th century, it becomes clear from the very first chapters that one of Norrisââ¬â¢ indictments is against Vandoverââ¬â¢s father and his unwillingness to talk to his son about the facts of life. In dead, one of the underlying themes through the entire work is the idea that people only hint at their feelings and do not openly discuss the sexual nature of humanity even though it is a significant portion of their lives. One of the most interesting facets of this book is the discussion of Vandoverââ¬â¢s first sexual encounter and his embarrassment and guilt over it. If the situation had perhaps been handled with some amount of discussion, it might have prevented the events that would later occur, including Vandoverââ¬â¢s seduction of a ââ¬Å"good girlâ⬠, her subsequent suicide, and his eventuality degradation to gambling and alcoholism. The authorââ¬â¢s message that society needs to quit hiding its own nature and covering for the high class when they engage in reckless behavior is evident mid-book when Haight explains to Vandover that several of the young, classy women at a cotillion were drunk. Haight tells his friends that society should call a spade a spade and that when women of class drink too much they should be considered drunk as much as any man. This dual criticism of the means by which people receive a sexual education and the double-standards applied to men and women is perhaps the most interesting passage in the book. Another interesting idea that Norris sets forth through the theme of the book and the story itself is that Vandoverââ¬â¢s sexuality and promisecuity are to blame for the turn of events for him, including the loss of his family fortune and his new role as a werewolf. Interestingly, rather than approaching the concept that Vandoverââ¬â¢s situation might be a result of his addictive behavior including his sexually predatory nature, his alcoholism and his gambling addiction, the reader is left with the idea that the bad things which happen to him are consequences of his sexuality alone. Though Norris portrays Vandover throughout the novel as a weak-willed individual who is too lazy to work hard and get what he wants out of life, everything in his life is blamed on his sexuality and his desire for women of a certain type. The fact that Vandover does not settle down with a fine, upstanding woman, regardless of his feelings for her is seen as an affront to society as a whole. The most important messages about sexuality that are relayed via ââ¬Å"Vandover and The Bruteâ⬠are the concepts that sexuality exists as it does because people donââ¬â¢t talk about it and that there are consequences for sexual behavior. The first concept is perhaps the most intriguing because it still applies now, almost 100 years later. Though we do not have the same level of closed-mouth attitudes toward sex as Vandover encountered, it is not uncommon even in the modern day to find parents of high school students who do not want their children exposed to sex education for fear that the education will lead to promiscuity. Instead of teaching real information regarding the dangers, both physical and emotional, of beginning a sexual relationship at the wrong time, too many parents concentrate on the Puritanical approach to sex education, associating it with guilt and sin. Young people are not properly educated regarding the safety issues of sex and sexually transmitted diseases continue at epidemic levels when they could be prevented with adequate discussion of the topic. Ironically, as we approach the 100-year mark for the publication, Norrisââ¬â¢ primary criticism of the teaching of sexuality still stands today.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Assessing The Performance Of Small Business Enterprises Commerce Essay
Assessing The Performance Of Small Business Enterprises Commerce Essay Small business enterprises are managed by the proprietor and the small enterprises settle on the wealth of a country. Small enterprises make extra job. In the start small enterprises resist to execute well as of need of skill and need of preparation. SBEs frequently create their trade in four category of souk, those are transaction, wholesaling, check if and developed. At the similar occasion there are so numerous challenge that small business enterprises have to features. If there is a slump, the banks will not advance cash, they cannot increase the trade and they have to use the coins minerals. Some owner takes up their relatives member so that they cannot rest rotten team. Normally there is an additional dare that the small enterprises visage is the wealth. Often they face hitches in raise finance when they open the business. If an industry to be winning, the organization must be fine. As Jerrys notice to the commerce is scarce, he has to employ superstar to run the company. As a boss, the being who undertake the duty should be clever to do preparation, jealous and organising. The major reason for the breakdown of the commerce is need of preparation. This will be determined by put superstar to mange. The moment topic is that the venture has no correct arrangement. Organisational association is the input craze for the victory. If there is no arrangement, the inter-relationship will not be fit distinct. This will be attributable for confusions inside the venture. When there is a arrangement, the workers will interrelate with every other according to that. One of the workers should be in accuse of day to day performance and all the performance should have the books, so that if there is any error, the organization will approach to recognize. The duty has to be kaput down into sector and given to suitable department. Every section should have a boss to direct the workers. All the employees errands and errands should be fined distinct. When the workers are agreed with convinced tasks, they will be enthused, so that the work income speed will go downwards. In order to inspire the workforce, the organization should prize them for their achievement and provide them the credit. They have to believe about the decrease of their possessions and property. By implement all of these data; Jerry can defeat the here state. Even while the sales are rising, the cash flow of the business is less than future. It illustrate that the charge is too high. The running should look for the probable habits to remain the rate downhill. An organisations goal must be to lessen cost and exploit revenue. If they be the rate down, the company will be rewarding. The company have to reject borrow wealth from the banks, so that they would not need to forfeit awareness for the currency that the banks borrow them. How would you review the performance of his business? (1b) In direct to reconsider the presentation of the industry, the work revenue, cash run and sale should be measured. If the work earnings rate is elevated, we can approach to a close that the workforce is not enthused or the work is not attractive. In command to inspire the workers, they should be known with some amount of gratitude and everyday jobs. The organization has loyal some mistake in recruit individuals and charitable them the fitting roles. As a result the workers are not stimulated and that has augmented the struggle earnings. The proprietor and the organization of the corporation have botched to diagram correctly when they begin the company. They have not adopted an organisational arrangement which is a necessary feature of the running. If they had adopted an arrangement, they would have been clever to make the most of their workers. We can review the act by consider the money flood as well. According to the point those are prearranged; the coins flow was awfully fewer. If this ruins, the troupe will face need of cash liquidity. It will formulate a force on fertility. This may pilot them to close the exchange. The fee is too tall and it has through a force on the cash flow. The cost is too high since the concern has lent too many workers. The recital of the business is deprived so distant, because of the neglectful of the running and the employees. They have not capitalised in key subject and which has lead the concern to a tricky state. The sales is rising, from this we can approach to an end that the souk is beautiful. If the business capitalises in its advertising, it can get better on its recital. Help Jerry identify his companys strengths and weaknesses. (1c) SWOT analysis of Zenith healthcare SWOT analysis is used to review the internal aspects of an organisation. By analysing the internal aspects of a business, present position of the company can be identified and the solutions to increase the performance will be taken. S stands for strengths, W stands for weaknesses, O stands for opportunity, and T stands for threats. The positive factors that help the performance of the business are the strengths of that business. Weaknesses are the factors that draw the company back and lead to poor performance. The potential chances to improve the business are opportunities. Threats are the factors which will affect the performance of the company. Strengths Sales are increasing and it illustrates that the business has a good demand among the public. This is strength to the company and it can capitalise on this. It is quite easy to the company to increase the sales further by implementing good marketing strategies. They can advertise the services by using TV, radio, news paper and internet, so that they can make an awareness of the products and services among the public. They have got competent staff in the company. Even though this is a good strength, the company is unable to get the full benefit of this as they do not have a proper structure. Because of having competent staff, the company can achieve the goals easily if they handle the staff well. The owner has good experience in this field as he has been working for NHS. This will strengthen the performance of the company to some extent. Weaknesses The company does not have proper plans and structure. These are the main weaknesses of the company. If there is no planning they cannot conduct the business successfully. Planning is the essential aspect in management and it is the key for the success. They have to estimate the resources that they need to conduct the customer service in a preferable way as a service providing establishment. Organisational structure is the base for the inter-relationship and it determines the performance. If there is no a certain structure there will be plenty of confusions, and the company cannot build the relationship among the employees. Cash flow of the company is less. It means that the transactions are not taking place in a regular basis. The cost is too high, so that the profit will be less. They are unable to keep the cost down. This is also a weakness of the company. This happened because of the lack of attention to the business by the administration. They have hired too many employees and it has a great impact on their cost. The lack in formal qualifications of the employees also will make an adverse impact on their performance to some extent. Opportunities New organisations hesitate to get into this market to establish their business. This is a great opportunity to the company to capitalise on the market. They have enough sales and that provides them an opportunity to make more profit by keeping the cost down. Threats The competition in the market is increasing and some new companies are embarking into the market. If the company fails to do a good marketing, they will lose the sales. In order to overcome this, they have to implement some marketing strategies. Net profit of the company is going down and this may lead the company to further troubles. In order to increase their net profit, they can refrain from borrowing money from the creditors and the banks. They have to make sure that there are no unnecessary expenditures. These are the threats that the company has. Recommended plans to capitalise on the companys strengths, and overcome its weakness. The ways to capitalise on the strengths To maintain and improve the sales, the company has to implement some marketing strategies. They have to advertise and make the public aware of the business. The company should provide a good service to the customers and carry the after sales service well. This will attract the customers and make them stick with the company. At the same time, the recognition that the company gains will help them to compete with the competitors even the competition goes up. If the owner pays enough attention to the business, he can improve his business as he got some experience in this field. Plans to overcome the weaknesses If the company adopts a suitable organisational structure, they can take the full advantage of having competent staff. They have to define the tasks of each employee to get the employees motivated. It is better to have a flat structure which will enable good communication within the organisation. It will also help to get the feedbacks in a quick time. In order to motivate the employees, the company can take some actions such as rewarding them when they succeed and, giving them responsibilities and recognition. When the new employees join the company, the company must provide them proper training, so that they will come to know about the work processes in a quick time. They have to lay off some of the employees who are not effective, so that they will be able to bring the cost down. It will improve their cash flow. They have to repay whatever they owe in the correct period of time and, they have to get the money from their debtors on time. These factors will also improve the cash flow. Jerry has bought you a one-week, return ticket to his holiday home in Florida. He wants you to help him investigate ways in which the business existing performance could be maintained and strengthened (2b). In order to maintain and strengthen the performance, the owner should review the business often and if he finds any errors, he should fix them. Meetings should be held often and the opinions of everyone should be considered. They must let every now about what happens by providing minutes. As a small business enterprise, it would be preferable to adopt flat structure. They should make sure that a good communication exists within the organisation. They can provide proper training to the employees and assign them suitable tasks. The company has to lay off some of their employees who are not effective or necessary. As a service providing company, they have to mainly focus on customer service. They can use some new technologies to expedite their service and get them effective. They can do the segmentation and target a particular sector to succeed in the market. They can advertise the service on TV, Radio, News paper and Internet. While you are with Jerry, could you also suggest new areas in which his business could be expanded? (2c) Introduction If the business is to be expanded, they can open a new branch where the company can make more profit. When they choose the place where they open the new branch, the management must consider whether the place can be accessed easily. They have to consider about the transportation factors of that particular area where the company will establish its new branch. When the company establish its business in a new area they will have to analyse the following factors. Political factors When they establish their business in a new area, they should make sure that the political situation in that area is conducive for the business. If there is terrorism or political instability in that particular area, it is better to refrain from establishing the business there as it will be much harder to conduct the business successfully in such an area. The company will have to take taxation issues in consideration as well. In some areas the taxations will be too high. They will have to avoid those places if there is not a good market. Economical factors When they open a new branch, they must make sure that the people in that area have the power to buy their goods or services. If the people have the power to buy, the company is going to have a good market. Social factors As a healthcare probably they would not need to analyse the social factors as everybody has to consult healthcare centres. Technological factors They have to consider whether they can have a good internet service in that particular area over which they can operate their business in a quick time. The company must have a network within the establishment as they will have to share everything with their staff. They will have to make sure that they will be able to get competitive advantages by using technologies such as TV and Radio. The message that they convey over those technical factors should reach the public. You realise that the moment has arrive where it would be appropriate for Jerry to review his existing business objectives and plans. Using your initiative, help your friend outline those key areas where attention should be given (3a). Key areas where the attention should be given Cost of products and service (improve the cash inflow) Human resources management (motivating employees and setting objectives to them) Marketing (Advertising and maintaining the sales) Customer service Planning and organising Organisational structure Above mentioned factors deserve some degree of attention and the management should pay their attention to those areas in order to improve the performance of the business. Accordingly, prepare action plans to implement changes (3c). In all the stages of the business, a company needs to make decisions. In that process, companies break down their tasks into small steps and do the planning to accomplish those tasks. The plans which are taken in this process are the action plans. A company may have several goals. Those goals should be broken down and each action should have a timescale. What actions you will take? How you will take action? Who or what will help you? Why you might not take action? When you will take action? Managers of the company should answer these questions when they plan to take actions. The planning process can be broken down into three steps. Understanding where the business is in the present Deciding where should it be Planning how to get there When preparing action plans the following aspects must be considered. Objectives what is the purpose of the action? Priorities whether or not the issue need attention immediately Benefits how the stakeholders are going to be benefitted by the action? Timescales and milestones consider when the action should be taken and the constraints of it. Financial and other resources the cost of the action should be taken into consideration. Responsibilities consider who will take the responsibility of the implementation of the action. Measuring success what will ensure your objectives are achieved and what will you use to measure the outcomes? Action plans to Zenith healthcare Actions to be taken Improve on the customer service Develop an organisational structure Develop marketing strategies Motivate employees Offer training to staff Reduce cost Improve the cash flow Develop the communication within the company Help Jerry assess the possible impact of changes on the business and his management team (4a). They can improve the customer service by expediting the service. In order to do this they have to improve their technology. The company will have to send money on buying new technical equipments. The company should adopt flat structure as a small business enterprise. In order to do this they will have to define the tasks of each employee and develop a culture. When this has been done, all the activities will be systematic. They can develop their marketing strategies by doing segmentation, advertising and promoting. This will let them to gain competitive advantages. The company has to motivate their employees by giving them recognition, rewarding for success and letting them contribute in decisions making. If the employees are motivated, they will do what they are supposed to do with determination. They have to let the new employees undergo a training program, so that it will not take much time to them to identify their roles and responsibilities. The company will have to improve the cash flow and which can be done by paying off creditors, get the money from debtors, reducing cost and maintaining stock. To get the money back from the debtors within the time, the company can give some discounts. In order to reduce cost, they should review all the processes and eliminate unnecessary expenditures. They can maintain the stock by carrying stock taking, also they can recognise the items which do not move and avoid stocking them. They should develop communication within the organisation by conducting meeting often and providing minutes to all of their stake holders. They can use the technology to build a network within the organisation and let the employees to access it. These actions will be helpful to get the feedback as well. Explain to Jerry how the implementation of changes should be managed (4b). Managing changes When a company brings up the changes to its managerial approaches, the management of the company should be particular about that. In the event, the changes have not been properly implemented those changes will push the company into severe difficulties instead of leading to success. In order to make the changes successful, the management has to monitor all the activities closely and carefully. Another important thing when a company brings up the changes is making the stake holders well aware of the purposes of the changes. This will alleviate confusions and conflicts. Team leaders should have the power to influence the employees and convince them of the importance of the changes. Some employees may misinterpret the actions and they may oppose them. Management has to make everyone understand the facts. Jerry is worried that the change process could go wrong. To assuage his fears, explain to Jerry how possible it would be to monitor changes in improvements and performance (4c). The changes should be brought to the business in order to improve on several aspects of business. It is quite compulsory to a business to change the strategies to withstand the fast changing environment. In the event the changes are implemented properly and monitored well, the management has no need to bother about the changes.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Push and pull strategy of Motorola Essay
Push Examples of companies are a) For example, Motorola use a push strategy to make arrangements with large mobile phone providers, such as Sprint, Verizon and AT&T, who can advertise phones directly to consumers. Businesses can promote products to wholesalers and vendors through trade shows, contacting local retailers and providing attractive packaging and point of sale displays to convince consumers to buy. b) Second is Nokia, Nokia promote their products via retailers such as Carphone Warehouse. Personal selling and trade promotions are often the most effective promotional tools for companies like Nokia. For example, Nokia offering subsidies on the handsets to encourage retailers to sell higher volumes. Pros: 1. To develop this kind of positioning, all one has to do is look at the competitionââ¬â¢s literature and come up with positioning that seems sufficiently different from the alternatives. Potentially saves time because it can be done without speaking to customers. Maybe a good first step in developing a go-to-market strategy. 2. Using a push strategy usually costs less money and draws more business, because companies negotiate with large vendors. For example, a producer selling a product to Walmart can receive most of its business from a single retail outlet, allowing the business to focus on its product manufacturing and supply chain while worrying less about its relationship with customers. Cons: 1. The competition may have it all wrong and have no idea about what customers really want, so trying to work around the competitionââ¬â¢s messaging may be pointless, since they all have it wrong anyways-and company probably do too since the company havenââ¬â¢t spoken to any customers 2. Push strategies can rely too heavily upon large vendors, which limit a businessââ¬â¢ pricing and flexibility when selling a product. For example, a large producer like Walmart may dictate the price at which the business can sell its products. Pull Examples of companies are a) A good example of a pull is the heavy advertising and promotion of childrenââ¬â¢sââ¬â¢ toys, Toyrus. Consumers will go to ToyRUs and ask for a toy that was advertised on the television, and then ToyRus will ask the wholesalers who will then ask the producers about the product and meet the demand. b) Second example is car manufacturing company, Ford Australia. Ford Australia only produces cars when they have been ordered by the customers. Applied to that portion of the supply chain where demand uncertainty is high production and distribution are demand driven no inventory, response to specific orders point of sale data comes in handy when shared with supply chain partners decrease in lead time difficult to implement Pros: 1. Removing Pressure. One of the primary attractions for pull marketing is to mitigate the pressure of conducting outbound marketing. Marketers do not need to actively persuade customers that they need the product; customers are naturally drawn to it. 2. A pull strategy can create large demand for products in a short time, especially if a new business has difficulty building up market share for its products. Businesses can easily solicit customer feedback on how to improve products. Also, dealing directly with customers enables businesses to cut out retailing middlemen. Cons: 1. Requires extensive customer interactions to identify the things that customers feel are the differentiated features of the product. It is difficult to done to get customer interaction. 2. Advertising expenses can be costly with a pull strategy, unless a business gets lucky with a viral marketing campaign. Building a brand can take years and cost millions before customers become loyal to a product line.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Chinese Civil Service Examination
The Imperial Examination System in Ancient China Abstract: Imperial examination in ancient China was developing based on the nine-rank system. From Sui and Tang dynasties to Guangxu year, Qing dynasty, it took more than 1300 years to evolve. The Imperial Examination is officially called Keju Examination in China, which was an important part of education system of feudal society in ancient China. In the mean time, it was a kind of officer-selecting system as well. It played a significant role in cultivating, selecting, and making use of talents.Modern examination system also takes example by the imperial examinations in ancient China. So we should attach importance to researching and studying it due to its enlightenment to the innovation of education system. Have you ever wondered why there is an examination this kind of stuff which makes students ââ¬Å"sufferâ⬠a lot and how it comes about? What is its origin? And how did it develop? Actually, China has a long history in examin ation system. So, I will talk about the imperial examination system in China which has a far-reaching impact to other Asian countries. The establishment of the nine-rank system A certain system cannot be created without foundation and time, it must have an origin, and before the establishment of the system, there must have been a predecessor originating graduallyâ⬠ââ¬âââ¬âChââ¬â¢ ien Mu? Imperial examination did not arise suddenly. Before the imperial examination was created, the nine-rank system was considered to be the precursor of it. According to Ci Hai dictionary, the explanation of the word ââ¬Å"nine-rank systemâ⬠: At the end of the Eastern Han dynasty, Cao Cao was in power, he advocated ââ¬Å"Wei Cai Shi Juâ⬠, which means everyone has an opportunity to be an official as long as he is outstanding enough.In the year 220, Cao Pi adopted Ministry of Personnel, Chen Qunââ¬â¢s suggestion that every prefecture could elect a reputable man to be the â â¬Å"Zhongzhengâ⬠(a kind of official), and the government classified them as nine ranks according to their capability. Cao Pi maintained Cao Caoââ¬â¢s principle that pedigree will not be the prerequisite. According to baike. baidu. com, at the beginning when nine-rank system was established, the criterion for estimating candidates was focused on extraction, morality, and ability. However, with the development of nine-rank system, extraction became the prerequisite, event the sole touchstone.When it came to Western Jin Dynasty, there had been a situation that first-class positions only admitted aristocrats and inferior-class positions only admitted people who didnââ¬â¢t have eminent background. Until the Northern Dynasty, national minority was in charge of the government. So the nine-rank system couldnââ¬â¢t efficiently work as before and became formalistic. Finally, it was abolished because of the lapse of aristocrats by Sui Dynasty. The establishment of Keju System ( The Imperial Examination System) Sui Dynasty: In 589, Sui Wendi (the emperor) set up two subjects of Xiu Cai and Ming Jing.In 606, Sui Yangdi (the next emperor) started to add another subject of Jin Shi. Therefore, it became the mark of the establishment of Keju System. Tang Dynasty: Tang Dynasty carried forward the system from Sui Dynasty practicing Keju System which used the subject of Jin Shi as the dominative way to select dedicates to upper level. Those who hoped to be the officials of the bureaucracy should compete in the Jin Shi exams, which tested their knowledge about the Five Confucian Classics. They are: Title (English)| Title (Chinese)| Brief Description| Classic of Poetry| A collection of 305 poems divided into 160 folk songs, 105 festal songs sung at court ceremonies, and 40 hymns and eulogies sung at sacrifices to gods and ancestral spirits of the royal house. | Book of Documents| | A collection of documents and speeches alleged to have been written by rulers and of ficials of the early Zhou period and before. It is possibly the oldest Chinese narrative, and may date from the 6th century BC. It includes examples of early Chinese prose. | Book of Rites| | Describes ancient rites, social forms and court ceremonies.The version studied today is a re-worked version compiled by scholars in the third century BC rather than the original text, which is said to have been edited by Confucius himself. | Classic of Changes| | Also known asà I Chingà orà Book of Changes. The book contains aà divinationà system comparable to Westernà geomancyà or the West African system. Inà Westernà cultures and modern East Asia, it is still widely used for this purpose. | Spring and Autumn Annals| | Also known asà Lin Jingà ( ), a historical record of the state of Lu, Confucius's native state, 722ââ¬â481 BC, compiled by himself, with mplied condemnation of usurpations, murder, incest, etc. | Graph from Wikipedia.? By the end of Tang Dynasty, the old aristocracy had been supplanted by the scholar-gentry. Song Dynasty: during the Song Dynasty, there were several reformations and the Keju System became more and more mature and consummate. It had reached its summit. The government expanded admission quota and established Provincial Examination, Metropolitan Examination, and Final Imperial Examination. Those exams would be hold triennially. Song Dynasty changed the situation that merchant were discriminated in Sui and Tang Dynasties.Thanks to this policy, many people who were born miserably could have a fair access to higher level of bureaucracy. Ming and Qing Dynasty: The Imperial Examination System reached its final form under Ming Dynasty, and was adopted almost intact by the succeeding Qing dynasty. Metropolitan Examination was holding every three years in Jing Cheng (Beijing), and officials were rotated every three years in order to prevent them from building up a power base. The admission criterion was divided into three levels. The top level included three quotas: Zhuang Yuan, Bang Yan, and Tan Hua.The other levels would enroll several examinees. The subject matter of the examinations was about the Four Books and Five Confucian Classics. The form for an examination paper became the stylized ââ¬Å"eight-legged essayâ⬠(Ba Gu Wen), which had eight main headings, used 700 characters or less, and dealt with topics according to a certain set manner. According to www. Newworldencyclopedia. org. ? By 1370, the examinations lasted between 24 and 72 hours, and were conducted in spare, isolated examination rooms; sometimes, however, it was held in cubicles.The small rooms featured two boards which could be placed together to form a bed, or placed on different levels to serve as a desk and chair. In order to obtain objectivity in evaluation, candidates were identified by number rather than name, and examination answers were recopied by a third person before being evaluated to prevent the candidate's han dwriting from being recognized. The examinations were often criticized because the ability to do well on the examination did not necessarily reflect the ability to govern well, and because they gave precedence to style over content and originality of thought.The exam system was abolished in 1905. The rulers realized that in order for the country to survive in the 20th century, they had to abandon the Confucian-classics-based education system, and adopt a Western-type, science-and-technology-based system. How many types of degrees could people get? What were the sorts of those degrees? The sort of degrees can reflect the completeness of Chinese Imperial Examination System. Types of Degree Level 1: District Level First you had to pass the district level exam. There was no degree at this level.The people who passed the district level exam would have the title of Tong Sheng( ). Then you have the qualification to take the prefectural level exam. Level 2a: Prefectural Level People who pas s the prefectural level exam achieved Sheng Yuan( ) degree. The exam was held two times every three years at the capital of the local prefecture. The most outstanding Sheng Yuan could directly be given the Gong Sheng( ) degree. Level 2b With time going on, the government became corrupt and allowed people to buy a Jian Sheng( ) degree.Wealthy people who were too lazy to study or who failed the prefectural level exam bought these degrees to improve their social status. These Jian Sheng had the same qualification to take next level examination. Level 3: Provincial Level People who passed the provincial level exam were awarded the Ju Ren( ) degree. The exam was held at the provincial capital every three years. Very few of the population had this degree. These people where considered upper gentry. Level 4: Metropolitan Level People who passed the metropolitan level exam were awarded the Gong Sheng( )degree.Soon after passing the metropolitan test, the candidate would take the Palace Exam ination and be conferred the Jin Shi( ) degree. The exam was given at Beijing once every three years. What kind of influence does it have? Is it beneficial or detrimental for the social development? The Imperial Examination System was more like a double-edged sword, since it brings the uniformity to the country but reluctance to innovate and change. The advantageous and disadvantageous influence Positive impact * Keju System facilitates traditional Confucian culture popularized and made the society generate a lively, critical, academic environment. From Song dynasty, no matter how humbly the examinees were, they had the equal opportunity to enter a high position in government as other aristocrats had. So this system not only expanded the scope of selecting talents, but also played an important part in maintaining the stability of society. During Ming and Qing dynasty, about half of Jin Shi was born in poor families. * The strict system provided impartial chances to commoners so that government had a good reputation at that time. * As the country who invented examination system, China has been known by other countries in the world.The Keju System is regarded as a cornerstone of other exam patterns. It has a far-reaching impact to East Asia and Western world. From 8th to 10th century, Japan had imitated the Keju System, and so as Korea and Vietnam. In 1855, the civil official examination system was officially established in Britain. ââ¬Å"It is widely acknowledged by Western scholars today that China's imperial examination system exerted direct influence on the modern civil service examination system in the West,â⬠said Li Shiyu, a guest-visitor to the exhibition and researcher with the Institute of History under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.?Negative impact à · Keju system didnââ¬â¢t radically solve the problem that public officials appointed people by favouritism. With strengthen of centralization of authority, Keju System was gradually con trolled by monarch or high-level officials. And the number of enrollees was not enough at all so that people who had relationships with officials could easily slip through and pass the examination. * Keju system cannot help enhance administrative efficiency in its original sense. Because of the complicated bureaucracy set, people who passed the examinations could not adapt the complicacy and put knowledge into practice. It caused people to have a rigescent thought. Most people took the Keju examination just in order to change their family financial condition instead to change the decayed political condition. What they learned could not match the reality well and help a lot so that executive system verged to conservative and closed. With time going on, China gradually lost many chances to innovate. * Many multitudes gave up their jobs, many young males lay their farm land wasted so that they could have plenty of time to prepare for the examinations.To some extent, the crop yield took a hit because of a large number of strong adults wanted to be an official instead of a farmer. Purpose of Imperial Examination System In ancient China, most people lived at the bottom of the society, the only way they could change their destiny was to take Imperial Exams. Since the process of studying for the examination was time-consuming, most male adults had to do farming work during the daytime, but those wealthy land-owning gentries could have plenty of spare time to study. So they became the main candidates for high-ranking government officials.The examination system distributed its prizes according to provincial and prefectural quotas, which meant that imperial officials were recruited from the whole country, in numbers roughly proportional to each province's population. Elite individuals all over China, even in the disadvantaged peripheral regions, had a chance at succeeding in the examinations and achieving the rewards of holding office. In earlier period, it was a fair me thod for commoners to change their social status, however, under some late dynasties the imperial bureaucracy became corrupt, examinations were abolished and official posts were either sold or given as rewards.At these times, the public morale diminished, and some type of reform was often introduced to restore traditional Confucian values in the government. The uniformity of the content of the examinations helped maintain the basic cultural values. Even only few people could pass the exam and finally get title, the preparation for and the hope of eventual success on a subsequent examination sustained the interest of those who took them. Those who failed to passââ¬âmost of the andidates at any single examination did not lose wealth or local social standing; as dedicated believers in Confucian orthodoxy, they served, without the benefit of state appointments, as teachers, patrons of the arts, and managers of local projects, such as irrigation works, schools, or charitable foundati ons. With the Imperial examination, the society was in a dense academic atmosphere. After Qing Dynasty collapsed, what is the examination system like? What is its difference or similarity between Western countries and China?The Examination System After 1912 After 1912, soon the Chinese revolutionary league was established. It was led by Sun Zhongshan( considered as the Father of Republic of China). Sun had been studied abroad in Japan and had a very progressive thought. He adopted a lot of excellent western ideas and devoted himself to reform and innovation. Not only in political and economic aspects, but also in education. He zealously sparkplugs western-style education system. A lot of public schools were built. Ordinary people could afford their children to get education.It was a good start in New China. Today, Chinese Communists studying capitalist civil service systems have been making a similar point. Deng Xiaoping has said, in reference to economic reforms, ââ¬Å"It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice. â⬠The current Chinese civil service reform (CSR) is an adjunct to the economic reforms begun in 1978. Regional and city governments, as well as a few national ministries, began experimenting with Western civil service techniques (particularly the use of examinations for selection).With the improvement of the education system, the quality of common people is also promoted. With United Nations' help (United Nations Development Program, 1987, 1989), the Chinese have been bringing foreign personnel experts to China and sending Chinese administrators abroad to study Western personnel technology. Although they are studying foreign systems, in the end, they insist that they will adopt a system with distinct ââ¬Å"Chinese characteristics. â⬠If I have more time, I would like explore the western countriesââ¬â¢ comments onChinese civil examination and advises; the problems that current Chinese education system has and methods to solve it; the education system in capitalist countries and make a comparison. Work cited: ? Chiââ¬â¢en Mu. Zhong Guo Zheng Zhi Li Dai De Shi. Sheng Huoà ·Du Shuà ·Xin Zhi San Lian Bookstore Press. 2005. ISBN: 9787108015280 ? http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Four_Books_and_Five_Classics ? http://www. newworldencyclopedia. org/entry/Imperial_Examinations_(Keju) ? Ancient Imperial Exams with Modern Relevance, China. org. cn. Retrieved on August 24, 2007. ? Monique Nagel-Angermann. 2012, Exam time.Calliope, 22, 24-27. ProQuest Research Library. 27 Oct. 2012. ? Miyazaki, Ichisada. China's Examination Hell: The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China. [1976] reprint 1981. 18 Nov. 2012 ? http://www. kwanfamily. info. Web. 21 Nov, 2012. Site creation date July 6, 2002. ? Nagel-Angermann, Monique. ââ¬Å"Exam Time. â⬠Calliope 2012: 24-7. ProQuest Research Library. 22 Nov. 2012. ? Aufrecht, Steven E. , and Li Siu Bun. ââ¬Å"Reform with Chinese Characteristics: T he Context of Chinese Civil Service Reform. â⬠Public administration review 55. 2 (1995): 175-. ABI/INFORM Complete; ProQuest Research Library. 27 Nov. 2012 .
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Pursuit for Preservation - Environmental Paper
The Pursuit for Preservation - Environmental Paper The Pursuit for PreservationSome sixty-five million years ago, just after the demise of the dinosaurs, a small rat-like species of mammal (now known as a prosimian) left the ground and took to life in the trees. Eventually after fifty million years had passed, this creature returned to the ground as the ancestor of man. The period spent in the environment of the trees was of great formative importance because it promoted many physical changes. These changes included a massive increase in body size, the development of paws into hands and 3D color vision. (Clifford) The physical changes were mapped by an increase in the size and the capability of the brain. Thus, prosimian developed into simian. ( The increase in stature led to changes in posture which enabled some simians to stand upright. Eventually one of these species was able to walk on two legs. It was these changes that led to the descent from the trees and eventually to homo sapiens; therefore, it can be s een that without trees the evolution of prosimian into man would never have taken place.Dawn Oââ¬â¢NeilWithout trees we would not be here. (O'Neil)The development of human civilization has been dependent on wood-based technologies. Where would we be without the discovery of fire, agriculture, the wheel, the use of metals, spinning, weaving, water and land based transport, building, and printing? Our technological culture could not have developed without wood. How has this situation come about? In part it is because in developing into an organism that has had great evolutionary success the tree has created a material with many useful properties. At the same time, because trees have been so successful in colonizing large areas of the surface of the world, they now find themselves in competition for living space with a...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Theodore Rooselvet essays
Theodore Rooselvet essays Theodore Roosevelt, vice presidential candidate 1900, campaigned furiously for the Republican Party for which William McKinley was its presidential candidate. Roosevelt gave speeches in 567 cities, in 24 states, and over 3 million people saw him in person. He was a major factor in keeping McKinley in office for his second term, and the Republican party in power. In September 1901, just a year after McKinleys election as President, he was assassinated. Vice President Roosevelt succeeded him as the twenty-sixth president of the U.S. He was 42 when he entered office making him the youngest ever to hold office (Theodore). After three years as Head of the U.S. Roosevelt decided to run for a second term and win on his own accord. He chose his words more carefully to try and keep his votes and maybe gain back some voters he might have lost during his term. Most importantly, he placed his people in key party positions and maneuvered Mark Hanna, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, to endorse his candidacy months prior to the 1904 convention. Then he turned to the public, holding press conferences, launching a national tour of western states that lasted for thirty days, and boldly providing (by Executive Order) pensions for all veterans between the ages of sixty-two and sixty-seven (Theodore). But he did not actively participate in the campaigning. He more so directed from the porch of his home in Oyster Bay. In the end, he won 57.4% of the popular vote and 336 of the electoral votes, so his victory was clear. Roosevelt was considered one of the first modern Presidents in domestic and foreign policy. At home he worked against greedy private interests while abroad making the U.S. a world leader. It is curious that Theodore Roosevelts face is on Mount Rushmore along with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln. Washington guided our nation in its beg ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Discuss the content and visual strategies Essay
Discuss the content and visual strategies - Essay Example Despite the authors portraying different cultural and political issues, there are similarities between the two graphic novels. In the story Maus, Spiegelman explores the experiences of holocaust survivors. The author is able to achieve this through an interview, which involves his father. The sentiments and experiences of the authorââ¬â¢s father are instrumental in the novel since he was a polish Jew and witnessed the holocaust(Hungerford 28). The author depicts the experiences documented from the interview with his father using a postmodern approach of animal characters. For instance, the Jews are likened with mice characters while the Poles and Germans are pigs and cats respectively. The political and social situation experienced in the period is evident in the characterization of Spiegelmanââ¬â¢s work. The work is unique since the political events are inclined towards the Jewish perspective hence portraying the experiences of the victims. In Spiegelmanââ¬â¢s work, the mos t salient inclusion is the use of animal characters. It is apparent that the author has employed a combination of symbolism, allegory and imagery in order to illustrate the story. The animal choices are deliberate since they have symbolic intonations. Considering the perspective of the author, the symbolism of rats, which was the animal character of Jews depicted the negative perceptions of the poles and Germans towards the Jews. The character suggests that the Jews were viewed as pests. The symbolism of Germans as cats showed that they preyed on the hapless Jews, while the character depicting the Poles as pigs was based on the Germans referring to the poles as such. This symbolism also suggested that the poles were cunning and only sought to serve their interests. There are other characters in the book whereby the Americans and the French are represented by the animal characters of dogs and frogs respectively. The novel also involves allusion off actual incidences and places that w ere experienced during the holocaust. This can be attributed to the contribution of his father who was a witness of the holocaust. It is safe to make the assumptions that the information in the book is presented with accuracy. This is evident in the character of Vladek whereby there is evidence the events presented by the character coincide with historical fact. In addition, the author includes an actual map of the infamous Auschwitz a concentration camp a venue that was used during the holocaust (Hungerford 31). The map of the camp is instrumental in depicting the dire situation the Jews faced during the period. From the picture, the audience can tell that it was impossible to escape from the camp reiterating the helpless situation, which the Jews experienced. The comic strip in Maus was instrumental in reinforcing the authorââ¬â¢s sentiments. The use of illustrations made it possible for the audience to connect emotionally with the work. Some of the emotions, which can be exper ienced in the comic strip, include frustration, despair anticipation, anger and relief (Hungerford 32). The art appears to spill from the frames illustrating excitement. This is an indication of the feelings being experienced in the characters in this instance the birth of Richiev. In order to increase the effect of the art to the audience, the author fractured, interconnected and broadened slides according to the message he was willing to send. In the novel Palestine, Sacco
Friday, November 1, 2019
Antitrust Practices and Market Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Antitrust Practices and Market Power - Essay Example By pairing the two together, every Windows user had a copy of the internet explorer which led to Microsoftââ¬â¢s victory in the market. It was clear that bundling them together had restricted the access for other browsers in the market that had to be bought. It is alleged that Microsoft used its monopoly power to favor the internet explorer over the other web browsers. In its defense, Microsoft said that merging its operating system and the Internet Explorer was as a result of fair competition and invention, and that would enable users to use the internet explorer for free. It was still clear whether the operating system and the Internet Explorer were two separate items or whether they were one piece. However, Microsoft maintained that it had made its operating system a bit more expensive, and thus it could not be said to be y free. The case focused on predatory strategies Microsoft had engaged in and a market barrier to entry as opposed to interoperability (Brinkley, 2000). The action by Microsoft to favor internet explorer over the rest of the browsers in the market violated the Sherman antitrust law section 1and 2 where Section one states that any contract that would cause restraint in trade among several states and thus the contract could be declared illegal. Section two, on the other hand, states that any company that will attempt to monopoli ze any part of trade shall be declared guilty of a felony punishable in a court of law (St.Olaf College, 2004). A monopoly is a company that has only one seller in the market who has absolute rights in a particular interest, and they are te only seller in the market thus have the right to fix the price. In most cases, the cost of entering into the market is very high thus causing a barrier to entry to new entrants. The monopoly fixes the price as consumers will still buy. There are monopolies owned by the government especially where the
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